Peer Review Details
Nursing Conference wants to maintain the highest quality and standard of academic journals and research papers at their conference. That’s why we come up with a dedicated team to judge the quality, relevancy, and authenticity of submitted papers. It’s an opportunity to get your paper reviewed by experts in the relevant field. Read to know the details of their reviewing process.
Our Peer Review Process
We use a double-blinded peer review process in all of our publishing materials, including conference author papers. Our respected team of reviewers is dedicated to maintaining the highest standard for each of the papers. Here are the details of their double-blinded peer review process:
Selecting Reviewers
The reviewers for the nursing conferences are selected based on their background, quality, and experience in the related field. With their expertise and deep knowledge in the field of scholarly review, we can ensure the quality and standards of all of our conference papers and proceedings. Besides, their lack of conflict of interest makes the review process free from any bias.
Initial Screening
After we receive your papers through our website, our team starts the initial screening process to ensure they come with the required format. They measure the papers by their format, font, length, and other required criteria. If the papers fail to come up with our required format, they cannot pass to the next stage. After completing the initial checking, we will pass it on for further evaluation.
In-depth Review
Our peer review team runs an in-depth analysis of all the papers in this part. They try to find the relevancy and authenticity of the paper with the relative topic. For that, they carefully analyse the research methodology, findings, and conclusion, along with sources and references. Based on this analysis, reviewers submit their details with feedback to the conference authority.
Revision and Modification
Based on the in-depth review and feedback from the reviewers, the conference committee decides whether the paper needs to be accepted or rejected. If the paper needs revision and changes, we notify the authors to revise their paper and address the identified improvement. By this revision process, we want to enhance the paper’s clarity, coherence, and overall quality.
Final Approval
Once the paper passes all the review stages, we finally approve it for our nursing conferences in Canada. Later on, we schedule the papers for the publication of our conference proceedings. Once the papers get approved, we notify the authors with the invitation to present them at the conference they submitted for.